"Are You Lost in the World Like Me" Questions

"Lost in the World Like Me" Questions

What is the general premise of the video?
Everyone on Earth has been hypnotized by their phone and everyone is so obsessed with social media that there is nothing else they would rather do. The people that don't use their phones or social media feel lost because everyone is like robots and al they care about is making the next post that willget them likes and followers.

Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?
Yes. It shows people mindlessly walking into manholes and off cliffs because they are so sucked into their phone. This shows how people are so caught up on what is happening on the internet that they forget to look around and be aware of what is happening in real life.

Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?
I think it is more of a warning. With cellphones and social media and the internet becoming more and more useful and powerful, people feel like there is an absolute need to have their phone with them all the time, and eventually we could get to the point where people become like robots like in the video, where everyone's eyes are glued to the screen and they forget about real life.
