Letter to the past

Hello me from the past. Hope all is well. I'm sure it's strange receiving a letter from your future self but trust me you'll be glad you read it. Anyways, I am about 3 quarters of the way done with my final year of high school, and I cannot describe to you how much I am ready to never enter this school ever again. With that being said, I still understand the importance of finishing off strong and making sure that I set myself up for success later in life, so I wanted to give you a couple pointers to help you along the way when you inevitably end up where I am sitting right now.

The first thing I can tell you is that you need to learn to have fun. This is a creative photography class for crying out loud, not math or something boring like that. I know it all just feels like work and you'd rather die then do something you don't want to do, but there is a lot of fun to be had. The ability to take a concept the teacher has given you and create something unique is a rare opportunity at school and you should utilize your time wisely because you don't have a whole lot of it. Also, as hard as it is, you gotta learn how to stay on top of your work and don't wait until the last minute. These projects can take time, and if you want a professional looking final product that you are actually proud of you are going to have to put the time and effort in to reach that result. I know how miserable this sounds because trust me I hate it, but I can tell you right now had my past self been a bit more disciplined  I would be much happier with my performance so far this year. So yeah, I know it is much much much much MUCH easier said than done I think you will thank yourself in the long run.

This right here is one of my favorite projects and one that I think you should take a look at as a good example of a project well done (in my opinion of course). This was the triptychs project where we had to create a series of 3 images that sort of relate in a way. I'm obsessed with taking pictures of the sky so of course I decided to go with clouds slowly transitioning from day to night. What I think is really great about this project is the way the colors flow throughout each picture and show nice progression form day to night. Also, I like how the middle picture during sunset pops out the most with the most contrast and color, giving the picture a nice centerpiece to look at. The color used in the background also helps highlight the pictures with a nice contrast from the blues.

I am proud of this project, and I hope that when you get to this point you put some pride into your work and create something you can confidently call your own.

Anyways, that's enough of me for now. I wish you the best of luck in your future, and I hope that this photography class will bring you the slightest bit of joy in school if at all possible. Just know that it will all be over eventually, so try to enjoy it while you're here.
