Semester 2 Reflection

I'm not sure where exactly my original reflection went but I recall having a lot to say about my effort and what could be done to improve my workflow for the upcoming semester. Well, it is currently about halfway through semester 2 and I don't have much to show for it.

In my first reflection I recall talking a lot about my quality of work and my effort when it came to shooting. I felt like I did not put enough of my time into developing a good ideas for my projects and I did not take enough time actually shooting to come up with something I was happy with. This was something I wanted to work on and I felt like I could make big improvements moving forward. One of my biggest faults was getting things in on time and being proactive about getting my projects finished and turned in. I always waited until the last minute and by then i did not have enough time to create something I was proud of. I hoped that in the upcoming semester I would work just a bit harder.

Unfortunately right now I can say that I didn't do the greatest job. I still fall short with a lot of the same things I talked about in the 1st reflection, and I don't think much improvement was made since then. To this day my biggest struggle is procrastination and getting things turned in on time. For some reason I can't find the motivation to get things done early and in a timely manner. I'd like things to change by the end of the year because I want to finish strong and be proud of the work that I created in this class. I haven't gone very far since the last time I reflected but I hope that i can start to make a change soon. I know my future self will be grateful if I did.
