The Importance of Art Response

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."

I think this is absolutely untrue. The money spent on art programs at high school are extremely important for the development of high school students as well as self discovery. The art programs offered in high school allow young adults to explore their creative mind and find out what moves them and inspires them. It allows students to break free of the basic class structure of core classes like math and instead use their imagination and creativity to actually create something they can call their own. These experiences are crucial for the development of teens and without them many people would not ever have found their passion or creative outlet in their lives. These classes offered in high school also teach students a lot about how to be happy. It teaches them that not everything in life is about a number on a test or getting a job that will make you a lot of money. It teaches us that life is also about finding your passion and pursuing something that motivates you.
